Friday, August 10, 2012


Sometimes we must submit to our fears in order to come to a place of acceptance before moving on. I believe I recently accomplished this. And so I am doing some submitting of a different kind now.

In the past two weeks, I have begun at least three new stories, one of which has some great potential, and I have written two new poems. I have also begun to introduce readers to my NaNoWriMo novel from last year. This is in an effort to resume work on this piece toward finishing it, as it is my most complete work at the moment. And I have submitted nine separate pieces (including six of flash fiction and three of poetry) to three different publications. The freelance editing/writing project I accepted months ago is also finally moving forward, with a positive response from the clients so far. Even my jewelry has received my attention again after a long hiatus from the repurposing craft.

It's been a great period of productivity, and yet I feel that I am not creating enough. My current disappointment is that my house is in disarray, still the cottage of a brand-new tenant, rather than the freshly decorated home of a recently settled resident. I suppose that is always the case, that some project somewhere is unattended. Without them I would feel useless. And yet, the presence of such unfinished business makes me feel as if I am not accomplishing anything at all. Is there a happy medium in creativity? I'm beginning to think there is not.

Here's hoping the rest of you have been producing much work, as well. Feel free to share with me your projects. I'm full prepared to edge anyone from a "happy medium" toward a "super-sized ecstatic."